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Infant Massage


        Massage is a form of touch therapy that has been prevalent for centuries. It is an ancient practice and conveys to the child a sense of security and trust that is very essential for the newcomer into the world. Touch is a sense that is one of the first to be developed in humans and probably all forms of life. It is said that a touch can convey more than a thousand words, and children are known to thrive with the right amount of physical contact. Children who grow up with healthy views of touch are known to grow up into adults with self-esteem and develop long standing relationships.

       For infants, the gentle gliding stroke with some oils is the best form of massage therapy. As infants grow older, massage can include separate work on hands and feet, concentrating on the fingers and toes.


        Parents are in the Massage room for safety and security reasons as well as learning certain massages to perform on the child at home to emphasize a deeper connection with their child.


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