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Child Massage


      Children have their own exposure to stress, which can come from school going, family quarrels, or even playtime with their peers. This stress can cause imbalance in the immune system and hormonal imbalances as well. Massage practiced regularly can help a child reduce stress, which can in turn may help the child to sleep better.    

     Massage has been found to be very effective for children suffering from diabetes, asthma, and other skin or arthritic problems. It is now even being recommended for children with cancer, and it is felt that the reduction in stress of children boosts the immune system and its ability to resist diseases. Children have been known to benefit extensively from massage therapy if they suffer from hyperactivity disorders or other psychiatric problems as well. Autistic children also may benefit from massage.


           Benefits of Child Massage can include:

                 Better Trust and Security                

                 Reduction of Stress and Anxiety
                 Improved Mood and Behavior

                 Improved Communication


        Parents are in the Massage room for safety and security reasons as well as learning certain massages to perform on the child at home to emphasize a deeper connection with their child.



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